We’re thrilled you’re considering contributing a guest article for Your Trip Saver. Your enthusiasm is truly appreciated. Contributing to our platform not only showcases your expertise but also positions you as a thought leader in the realm of travel. Plus, you get to benefit from our social media reach and our growing readership’s appreciation.
Kindly take a moment to familiarize yourself with the details on this page, which outlines our guidelines, the content we’re looking for, and how to submit your articles. What We’re Seeking For a guest post to resonate with our readers, it should be detailed, data-supported, engaging, and informative.
To improve the likelihood of your article being featured on our site, ensure your submission:
To get a better grasp of our preferred content, style, and tone, please review existing articles on our platform.
Reach a Wider Audience: We’re committed to scaling this platform to attract at least 100k monthly visitors.
Promotion on Social Media: Every article you submit will be promoted across our social media channels.
All articles should align with our quality benchmarks to be considered for publishing. The editorial team retains the discretion to decline submissions or suggest minor tweaks.
Articles should exceed 1000 words and deliver tangible value to our audience.
Authors are allowed one self-promotion link. This can be an informative resource link within the article (dofollow) or a link to your personal website or social media in the author bio (dofollow). Linking to other relevant articles from our platform is encouraged, but overlinking should be avoided. Ideally, maintain fewer than 4 links.
Links must resonate with our content’s theme. Links to unrelated domains like dating services, SEO firms, or credit sites are prohibited.
Once your article is live on our platform, it shouldn’t be republished elsewhere, including your personal blog.
Including multimedia, such as images or videos, can enhance the appeal of your article.
Image width should be within 1200 pixels. They should be forwarded as distinct attachments and preferably be below 150kb in size.
Respect image copyrights and credit sources appropriately.
To pitch your article idea, kindly complete the form provided below.
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